The most important aspect of this process is to have your bed

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  The most important aspect of this process is to have your bed as ready as possible, at the ideal time for planting wildflower seeds. The secret of success is to plant the wildflower seeds at the ideal time so they take off growing immediately, and beat the weeds at their own game.

  The ideal time? Depends on where you live. If you're in zones one through six, you should plant in the spring. If you're in zones seven through 11, you should probably plant in the fall.

  Wildflower seeds like warm soil. They will germinate best with a soil temperature of 68 to 70 degrees F. So if you live in a cooler region, you should wait until later in the spring to plant. There's no point planting when the soil temperature is 45 degrees and have the seeds just lay there while some of the weed seeds germinate. You'd be much better off to continue working the soil as described above until the soil temperature is up to 68 degrees.

  I'll say it again, just in case you missed it earlier. Don't work the soil any deeper than one inch.

  Now for planting the wildflower seeds.

  The best way to plant your wildflower seeds is to distribute them with a small hand held broadcast spreader, or to apply them in a manner that mimics that technique. In order to get the best coverage you should thoroughly mix the seeds with dry sand, vermiculite, or potting soil to increase the volume before you spread them. It's a lot easier Evoh Barrier to evenly distribute five pounds of granular material over an area than it is 8 ounces.

  As you spread the seeds, walk in straight lines from one end of the bed to the other. Then do the same thing from the side of the bed in a crisscross pattern to the first set of footsteps you made. This will give you thorough and even distribution. This is why you should mix the seeds with some sort of filler

  material before you start, so you have plenty of volume to work with, and will be able to cover the area completely and evenly.

  They also tell you how long each variety takes to germinate, and what the ideal soil temperature is. They tell you how many seeds are in each pack, how many seeds in a pound,

  and how much seed you need to cover a given area.

  Wildflower seeds have germination periods of 6 to 28 days, so you have to keep this in mind as you plan your garden. If you select a variety that has a 28 day germination period, you

  should select a second variety with a much quicker germination period and mix them together before sowing.

  If you were to sow only seeds with a 28 day germination period, the weeds would get a jump on the wildflowers, and you would likely end up with a weed garden. When you mix seeds with different germination periods, the faster

  germinating seeds will come up very quickly, and act as a nurse crop for the seeds that need more time, keeping the weeds and birds at bay until all the seeds can germinate.

  Good luck with your wildflower garden! Have fun, and enjoy.

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